Anger gets a bad rap from the live-laugh-love brunch bunch but it’s actually a really fantastic alternative to depression. Anger can be incredibly self protective and productive. Anger can keep people alive when nothing else works.
I really like to appreciate my anger, and how healthy and beautiful it is, and how it can uncover deep truths, show me what my authentic needs are, and it’s such a grounding emotion, it’s hard to be angry AND be dissociating.
Here’s an example of the function of anger. My boss is asking her non-salary employees to do work tasks for no pay. She also wants us to compete over these unpaid work tasks. This made me so angry. It led me to studying the law in Texas about wage theft.
Now I have the valuable information that what my boss is doing is considered an off the clock wage theft violation & if employees demand wages and she doesn’t pay she’s committing a third degree felony. That will be useful to help me demand payment for all employees who do labor.
Also if I get fired in the next month or two it’s because I demanded that my boss stop committing third degree felonies every week. Hopefully that’s just being dramatic and it won’t come to that cause I’m not interested in losing my job.
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