A few days ago I updated my "what if" graphs and talked about what the holidays might look like if you want to travel within the Atlantic region and self-isolation requirements are still in place (NFLD has confirmed that theirs will be). https://twitter.com/WilsonKM2/status/1335287040137629702
That thread covered what the rules are.

These types of self-isolation rules have made this entire region one of the safest places in the entire world throughout the pandemic.

They are good rules that should be followed.
Also, it's the holidays and people want to see their families.

From watching the recent US Thanksgiving, with millions of people traveling against recommendations at the height of a wave of cases, its obvious that people will take more risks to be with families on the holidays.
So this thread is kind of an addendum to the last one. Think of it as the harm reduction pandemic travel thread.

The goal is to, if I can't get you to avoid travel or follow isolation guidelines (pretty please?) to at least minimize your risks to yourself and your family.
A lot of times when people can't meet some standard, they give up trying at all.

In terms of your Covid-19 safety practices, I'm going to try to talk you out of that kind of thinking.

Even if you can't comply perfectly with guidelines, there is still a sliding scale of risk.
This isn't to say you *should* do these things, just that they're better than other, riskier ways of traveling.

So, let's look at a (very) simplified risk gradient...
🟢 Not traveling
🟢 Post-travel isolation (alone)
🟢🟡 Post-travel isolation (with host)
---below here risks a $ fine---
🟡🟠 Shortened post-travel isolation
🟡🟠 Pre-travel isolation
🟠🔴 Not isolating
🔴🔴 Traveling while symptomatic
🔴🔴🔴 Traveling after testing positive
This is just a simple mock up. It doesn't include things like testing, group sizes, etc.

The point I'm trying to illustrate is that if you are fully intent on traveling but aren't able to isolate as the provincial guidelines require, please don't settle on not trying.
The choices you make can protect your family over the holidays. Don't give up on the practices that have kept us all safe this year.
If you can avoid travel, you should. If you do travel, you should comply with provincial guidelines around isolation. If you're dead set on traveling and aren't able to comply with the guidelines, please don't give up on making good decisions this holiday season: do your best.
If you can isolate for the first 10/14 days and refuse to avoid travel, please isolate for those 10 days. This won't prevent you from being fined if discovered, but that could be an entire chain of infections you prevent from happening.
Get tested before you leave, just in case. If you're positive, absolutely stay home!

Just a general plea to remember that your choices affect other people, so please try to make the right ones this holiday season.

You can follow @WilsonKM2.
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