Webcomic tips from someone who may or may not be an authority on making comics– a thread!
Just start– seriously. I know a part of you may be thinking you should wait to do that one story idea when you're "good enough" but honestly, you never will be. And I mean that in the sense that being a little bad is ok! it's a part of growth.
If you want to do a smaller comic/something shorter that's fine, but make sure it's something you're really impassioned by. Rest is important, but the only person pushing things forward at the end of the day is you!
You don't have to make ref sheets– This is subjective, but character change/artstyle change is so inevitable why bother? Plus trying to be too on model with a character can make things feel stagnant.
DON'T REDO PAGES– Seriously! Just keep going. I know you're gonna look back at some of those chapter 1 pages and cringe, but it's a sign of growth.
Schedule – Having a set time/date for pages can put a hold on quality, but I think it can be good if you're the kind of person who gets burnt out easily. Try to break the cycle of nit-picking for yourself!
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