#MeghanMarkle recalled as dignified, charitable during her Northwestern days.

The Tribune reached out to more than 140 of Markle's sorority sisters, from her class and two classes before and after her, to get more insight into her college life. 1/2
Can you imagine. This newspaper contacted 140 of #MeghanMarkle's sorority sisters. And found NOTHING. If someone contacted 10 people about me.... The #Britishmedia's smear campaign against this woman is truly heartbreaking.
I apologize but I am so mad. Please read this article about how wonderful #MeghanMarkle is and always will be. QUOTE "But she was always very, very #keen to make it as warm and welcoming as she could." END QUOTE. She was keen even back then. KEEN https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-ent-meghan-markle-northwestern-20180509-story.html
Young recalled talking with #MeghanMarkle during his office hours about her experiences being a biracial woman and the challenges of being fully embraced in certain communities. And so many years later Meghan is still facing difficulties being embraced by certain communities.
Again. More clear proof that Meghan Markle has a great reputation. When Graham, Markle and their classmates officially joined the chapter, they received T-shirts that were inspired by the popular 1980s cartoon "Jem and the Holograms" and bonded at Chuck E. Cheese's.
Again how is #MeghanMarkle, an attention seeker? Her actions are reported on by the media. This article points out she managed to visit Chicago without fanfare. She was naturally spotted in some places. But no one knows where she dined, slept & spent her time during her weekend.
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