I've been meaning to tweet about this since it came out.

Government have taken a heavy handed, punitive approach to public health in this crisis, based primarily on leveraging huge fines for non-compliance.

I think this is wrong... (1/10) https://twitter.com/jadenozzz/status/1332613083227955205
Government introduced measure after measure, restriction after restriction, which it claimed would all definitely help, with no discussion about the potential harms.. (2/10)

(Excellent piece on the damage caused by failing to acknowledge uncertainty here) https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m3979
Since March I have believed lockdowns will be more damaging to long-term public health than Covid.

Eventually, as the public are slowly exposed to such counterarguments, the government runs the serious risk of undermining public confidence... (3/10)

Many say restrictions protect the vulnerable.

But they forget the harms inflicted upon them - alongside excess dementia deaths & seeding of Covid in care homes, many residents have not seen their relatives for 9 months, with ‘visits’ by video call, or through a window... (4/10)
In addition, children’s social and emotional development, health, and education have all been put at risk.

Restrictions are also disproportionately impacting disabled people; increasing anxiety and loneliness, and impeding access to healthcare... (5/10) https://reachwell.org/latest-releases-blog/
We cannot ignore the consequences of restrictions.

Regardless of arguments about their effectiveness, making the wearing of face coverings law has led to some vulnerable people withdrawing from society in order to avoid hostility and confrontation... (7/10)
(And don't get me started on the widely-held belief that those who are exempt should wear a visual indicator)

(8/10) https://twitter.com/jadenozzz/status/1314283892128583680?s=20
Regulation after confusing regulation will only continue to foster fear, anger, and division

We must give people accurate information on risk mitigation, & work tirelessly to prevent the physical and mental health impacts of lockdown, especially for the most vulnerable... (9/10)
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