The ascendancy of men like Saul Alinsky as foundational political philosophers marked the beginning of the end of all hopes of truthfulness or decency in politics because his particular brand of shrewd intelligence chose to frame all politics as a by-any-means-necessary
power struggle, in the manner of an alien people or culture seeking to subvert an enemy population.

Devoid of any strong love for nation, or culture, or a belief in God - or any fundamental reason or desire to *better* the world - his ‘rules for radicals’ playbook so heavily
employed since publication taught his acolytes to get all they could, when and where they could, by hook or by crook.. and that some vaguely positive-sounding ends justified the means.

He recognized that to succeed, in a technical sense, the fundamental healthy orientation
or correctness of an individual person or idea meant little, it only mattered that they *appeared* to be so.

This broader philosophy of Alinsky and men of a similar type and caliber, stemming from a deep sickness of soul,
helped usher in generations of bought-men and errand-boys, dutifully serving hidden hands contrary to public wishes.. a poisonous ideological time-bomb that’s nearly destroyed this nation.
seeing Clooney trending inspired the initial thought. It makes perfect sense that actors/actresses are so oft used to market ideas, agendas.

Actors are tasked to *play a role*, convincing a viewer to buy into an illusion. Politicians are now actors, serving hidden directors.
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