Some years ago, folks were talking about the break-down of meaning in people's lives, and my response was "maybe that's a problem for a lot of people, but I feel like my life is pretty meaningful."

Nowadays, I can feel the nihilism myself some.
And, I think, that the difference might amount to "I became more pessimistic about my romantic prospects."

I used to think that I would find a wonderful woman who wants to live the same kind of life that I want / I think that I want, with me.
Its still too early to call it, but that has not panned out so far.

It is interesting to me that the prospect of not finding a good life partner has a big impact on my sense of how meaningful my endeavors are.
Certainly, my life path seems like less of a good life if I have to do it alone.
I'm also more pessimistic about whether anything can work to save the world, but that isn't the main thing for me, I think.
As in, my personal sense of meaning is not that connected to the tractability of getting existential victory.

I would say that "saving the world" is a main thing for me, though the less tractable it seems the further up the stack of meta-interventions I go.
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