I’m tired of this SAHM vs. Working Mom argument on here. Just say you think you’re better than everyone else bc you work & have a kid.

Go ahead and disregard the fact that being a SAHM is lonely, draining, and exhausting. I can be a SAHM & appreciate my time with my child (1/2)
While telling you it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Every second of your life is devoted to someone else. Your partner comes home and wants to “relax” but so do you. And yet you feel obligated to continue to do all of the work with your child because your partner is (2/?)
Bringing home the money. You vent about your day but no one understands bc what could possibly be draining about keeping a house together, kid happy, pets taken care of, but sacrificing your own needs to do so? SAHM don’t get the commute to work where we can unwind and (3/?)
Listen to something other than baby shark or Cocomelon. We don’t get the luxury of going to the store alone, or even talking to someone older than our oldest kid most of the time. That takes a toll on your mental health. On top of that, when our partner gets home we are (4/?)
Expected to take care of their needs. Cook everyone dinner. Keep the kids from driving Daddy crazy after his long day at work. Listen to him complain about coworkers, when all you long for is social interaction.
Mom should be able to be themselves outside of motherhood, &yet if you ask a majority of SAHM if they are able to do so they will say no. But Becky has a full time job so obviously her life is “harder”. Neither is harder, both have pros and cons but being a SAHM is NOT a luxury.
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