#HouseIrishFirst a hashtag history.
1. Shinner tweets #HouseIrishFirst as racist hoping to reap much virtue
2. Shinner gets ratio'd for anti-Irish racism by Irish public
3. Shinners freak out
4. Shinners roll out Bohemians (racist grifters) anti-Irish NGO...
... for NGO gay-op ( #JussieSmollet), multiple formulaic incorrectly spelled racist graffiti appear.
5. Fortunately, Shinner/NGO cadres are on hand to discover the graffiti.
6. Shinner/NGO cadres post to social media expecting much virtue to accrue....
... 7. No virtue accrues as misspelled graffiti is latest of painfully obvious NGO-gay-ops, get ratio'd again.
8. Regime corporate homeless charity, Focus Ireland, morally hectors the Irish public about racism of #HouseIrishFirst...
... 9. Irish public point out the 6 figure salaries of Focus Ireland upper management, and their gov funding and obvious Regime Globalist anti-Irish world view.
10. Focus Ireland's tweet gets ratio'd, latest anti #HouseIrishFirst tweet to be killed ... https://twitter.com/Alllive08333197/status/1335691748488732674?s=20
11. Focus Ireland delete their tweet as their anti-Irish bias is laid bare for all to see.
12. Twitter stops auto-completing the hashtag #HouseIrishFirst. https://twitter.com/BobMurchu/status/1336793318701862912?s=20
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