Median page includes 6 remote stylesheets... oh my. External stylesheets blog the first paint... That really slows things down on flaky connections. 🐌
haha, oh my... that's a stat for the bookmarks. :D 1379 linked external stylesheets. :D
What?! Okay reading the almanac for these stats is worth it already. 🎉
Hui! Didn't know ::first-letter is cross-browser supported these days. Nice!
I prefer `%`,`rem` and `em` but people are still all into the pixel unit game, I guess. :/
I rarely use these keywords and tbh... I couldn't explain the difference of the top of my head... 🙈
Oh wow, Grid is far away from being mainstream. 😲
I love that sentence. Everyone and their dogs are using CSS-in-JS. 😆

2% of the web are using CSS-in-JS. Not surprised tbh. The web as a whole is far away from being cutting edge. 🤷‍♂️
Wow – 20% of the sites ship brotly. That's probably due to new hosting providers that have it on by default?

On the other hand, 15% of JS resource are uncompressed. :/
The largest analysed HTML document was 61MB. :D
Google fonts is the top 3rd party domain followed by a bunch of tracking stuff. :)
Entered the SEO section now. `rel=sponsored` is a thing? 😲 
Alright. it's 12:30 my time and this year's almanac has 22 chapters. 😲 I'm at 8 now. See you tomorrow. :) 👋
This growth of HTTPS requests is impressive but not surprising because browsers started showing big warnings for insecure connections.

I assume the growth will stop around 90-95% because of the many sites that no one maintains. :)
May I introduce a site that wants to be very safe. Largest known and found HSTS max-age property: 1,000,000,000,000,000. 🙈

HSTS explainer:
CSP adoption went from 5% to 11%. That's good!
Ufff... :/

It think a small section with failing contrast values on a site is to make it go into 'insufficient' here, but I bet it's all the lightgrays on white designs that lead to such bad numbers in terms of contrast. 🙈
Starting the work day now. 🙈 Will continue later today. :)
That's another topic. Everybody seemed to need offline pages and a service worker.

But not even 1% of mobile pages register a service worker. 😲
But honestly, unless users opted into offline persistence or the site is an actual app, I stopped using service workers, too. 🤷‍♂️
Median plugin count of wordpress sites is 22. Not surprising but years ago when I did wordpress development, plugins where the main issue for perf bottlenecks.

I wonder if that changed?
0.7% of pages a built with a static site generator? 😲

That's way to low imo, but I guess it's very hard to detect. I mean how do you know that a site is built with @eleven_ty for example.
I'm wery sceptical about this data. Next.js gets bigger and bigger, but that feels too much. 😲

I really assume it's hard to detect.
Hah! Look who's in there! Hey @HenriHelvetica. 👋
Median page weight 2mb. :/ The web is heavy!!!
That's pretty wild, too.

Even at the 10th percentile pages make 23 requests. Medium value: 70 requests per page. Wow!

I mean images are in there, too, but I guess the majority is 3rd parties and JS.
3% of images are gzip compressed? What? :D
Oh wow, the caching section not only includes stats but also lots of explanations. 

Stellar work, Rory and Raghu!
Alright. And that was it. :) I'll read the whole almanac probably more carefully soon.

Stellar work and thanks to all the 116 people that have been involved. :) 🙇‍♂️
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