
I will write a little bit about SPUBS.
May Allāh make it beneficial for others.

The goal of this Thread is not that SPUBS and affiliates should be boycotted or that you stop benefitting from them, but rather its supposed to show how it is…
…important that you not take everything from them with regards to your Deen without having some secondary Salafi source to learn your Deen from, like for example translated lectures of actual scholars, or major scholars and students of knowledge that give lectures of the…
…religion, in your language.

If you cannot find what you are looking for anywhere else, benefit from SPUBS, but don’t fall into their Ghuluww.
If the major scholars - not SPUBS - warn against an individual, all being on the same page regarding him, follow their call. But if only some minor students - like SPUBS - want to push their opinion, or the opinion of one scholar down your throat, whereas other scholars have…
…a different view on that individual, look who has the proofs on his side, but do not label anyone who takes the stance of another major scholar as Mubtadi’.

Because this is what SPUBS demand from you. If you do not make Tabdī’ of whomever they make Tabdī’ of,…
you are a Mubtadi’ yourself, not matter if you follow the call of another major scholar regarding an individual.

The moment I stopped following SPUBS opinions on scholars blindly, was when they accused scholars and students of knowledge I knew very well, of something I knew..
….they were free from.

This was the first step I took, after much of my learning of the Deen came from them and who they endorsed - I knew something was fishy with the way they were adamant of declaring Tabdī’ on individuals who were very obviously calling towards Salafiyyah.
I slowed down in consuming SPUBS material and turned towards scholars and students of knowledge that were knowledgeable and balanced in their Salafiyyah, and who were in contact with many scholars, learned from them, and were known to be calling to Salafiyyah.
The distaste I had for some SPUBS members rose significantly when I discovered how Sheikh Wasiullāh Abbās [hafidhaullāh] spoke very harshly against them.
( - note: I do not…
… endorse everything on this channel)

He even came to the UK to speak to them one time.
In one of his Urdu lectures he asked Allāh to either rectify or do away with them which shows you how strong he was against what they were doing to the Salafi Dawah around the world and to
… the mindset of Salafis.

One of their offshoots in the Arab world accused two major Pakistani Ahlul-Hadith scholars of being Kharijis, and I knew beforehand how one of them had actually written a book against the Khawarij and delivered lectures against them - which…
is not at all easy in Pakistan.

Sheikh Wasiullah Abbās, who knew the two scholars well, had to come out and defend them against their accusations.

By the way, the offshoot they had is now off the Manhaj as I have heard, and PDFs already written again em
This is their danger, as many scholars have stated. They, because of their little knowledge, desires, or some other agenda, distance the new Salafis, and Muslims in general, from the major scholars that other major scholars endorse.

And instead of listening to…
… the major scholars, people who have become literal sheep of what SPUBS preaches, loose the opportunity to benefit from those Salafi scholars and students of knowledge, and even start to hate those who do not agree with the stance of SPUBS regarding some individuals, which…
…is extremely dangerous, and even destroyed some marriages as I have heard!

Then I saw how Hāfidh Zubayr Ali Zai [d. 2013 rahimahullāh], who was a renowned Hadith scholars and foremost in Jarh wa Ta’dīl, already back in 2005 (!) called people like SPUBS who blind-follow…
…Sheikh Rabī’ in his opinion about certain individuals Salafi Taqlidīs and he also called Abu Khadījah a Kazzāb(!), i.e. a liar!

Seeing such stern words from him shook me up, as he was one of the major Ahlul Hadith scholars of Pakistan, known by all the scholars there…
as a scholar of Jarh wa Ta’dīl!
You can actually hear Abu Khadījah lie himself in his talk with Sheikh Wasiullah Abbās [hafidhaullāh], who also caught out his lies.

(note again: I do not endorse the maker of this channel nor all of its content)

All of these were red flags.
But: I would be lying if I said that their YT channel, Hyde Park debates and the scholars they rightly promote as major scholars to learn from, did not influence me to become a Salafi a few years back, in the first place, and I ask Allāh to reward those who deserve reward,…
and multiply it for them, and guide me and them.

But since then I learned much, and much of it I would not have learned if I had stayed a slave to the opinions of SPUBS.

Therefore I advise people to benefit from them but to stay away from the Hizbiyyah they have fallen into…
and their shooting down of every Salafi who is not from their clan.

Allāh knows best, that not everyone affiliated with SPUBS is the same, and there are honest brothers affiliated with them, inshaaAllāh, so don’t throw all of them into the same pot.
But also don’t leave such extremely beneficial students of knowledge like:

Ustadh AbdurRahman Hassan
Shaykh Abu Usamah at-Thahabi
Abu Taymiyyah
Abu Mussa Wajdi Akkari

and many more students of knowledge and scholars they denounced as Mubtadi’, only because they said so.
Of course, sometimes they are correct in denouncing someone Mubtadi’ and not worthy of being listened to, as is the case for people like Yasir Qadhi et al., but when you see them denouncing someone you know to be calling to Salafiyyah a Mubtadi’, be very careful of taking their…

They like to use general statements and principles of the Salaf on individual that do not deserve them, just to be the only ones able to call themselves Salafis.

Allāh knows best the reality of their intentions.
And Allāh knows best.
I pray that Allāh makes at least one person benefit from this Thread, Ameen.
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