@ExoNeuro, @chloejordanphd, @GretchenNeigh, @MarinaP63, @DrNiiAddy, @meredithfox_, @CamronBryantPhD, and @jdavidjentsch on "Social Media in Science: Contributing to the Online Social Platforms as a Scientist. I have a social media profile.. now what?" #ACNP2020
@chloejordanphd shows work she did as the NPP editorial intern looking at the relationship between online attention and citations. She found that NPP citations positively correlated with Twitter mentions and altmetrics. Weaker relationship with newspaper mentions #ACNP2020
@GretchenNeigh (starter of @NPP_Journal and @ACNPorg)
discusses starting media accounts. Reach is improved by pictures, including handles+hashtags, and regular but orchestrated posting [aka don't flood your followers feeds like I have this week 😂]

She requests that active Twitter users consider retweeting NPP content with comment and raise the visibility of NPP and papers published there #ACNP2020
As a plug, @NIMHgov wants to highlight work that is funded by them so if you are about to publish a manuscript, reach out so they can publicize your work! #ACNP2020
@MarinaP63 originally got on Twitter to find out what "all those kids were up to" 😂
Twitter represents a great medium to practice science communication of data to the public and other colleagues! Make sure to be responsible and ethical as you tweet and add gifs!
@DrNiiAddy talks about using Twitter to keep himself humble/grounded and as a check to make sure he can communicate the science in an accessible narrative in a way that is meaningful #ACNP2020
@jdavidjentsch: If, as the data suggests, Twitter mentions can increase citations, we have a responsibility to be equitable about how we tweet and who we tweet. #ACNP2020
Downsides of Twitter.
There are mean and non-productive ways of communicating on Twitter. If you encounter that, you can always avoid and block. If you are uncomfortable, disengage or ask for an ally.
Twitter can surprise you too! The human element should not be ignored. It allows you to connect and resonate with people at a deeper, more authentic level. Also leads to new relationships where you can amplify resources and people. #ACNP2020
Benefits from Twitter: @jdavidjentsch describes tweeting about experiencing discrimination that ended up going viral and producing change at an old institution #ACNP2020
Hard to know if good things coming your way are due to social media visibility but there are tangible benefits like expanding community @ACNP2020
You can see tweets about animal research and scientific progress all the time and you don't see lots of activists engaging with these tweets in a negative way #ACNP2020
If you delete a tweet because it was harmful, make sure to comment on the deletion and be transparent about it. Own your mistakes, apologize, and learn from these experiences #ACNP2020
Last words:
-Listen with empathy, give grace to others, and be constructive in your interactions.
-Don't punch down! Don't double down on mistakes.
-Be fully yourself
-Know your audience when engaging on different platforms
-Highlight failures!
You can follow @hayfish24.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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