Trump has filed to intervene in Texas' attempt to overturn the US election. But who REALLY wrote his lawsuit? Let's find out.
According to the metadata, Trump's legal intervention wasn't written by John Eastman, the Counsel of Record. It was written by someone else: Lawrence Joseph.
Who is Lawrence Joseph? Well, he's one of the lawyers in the original Texas complaint, listed as the "Special Counsel to the Attorney General of Texas".
The metadata of the Texas SCOTUS complaint itself also features Lawrence Joseph, alongside Aaron Reitz, the Texas Deputy AG who was just promoted into his job two weeks ago.
Texas media reported that Lawrence Joseph seems to have been hired in as an outside attorney for this, instead of Texas Solicitor General Kyle Hawkins
Larry Joseph has backed Trump at the Supreme Court before, filing an Amicus in Trump v Vance on behalf of conservative lobby group "Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund"
And in Trump v New York, an Amicus on Trump's side for the Immigration Law Reform Institute... there are probably more of these but you get the idea.
Anyway, perhaps it's fairly typical for the filings from plaintiffs and amici to be actually written by the same lawyer? So maybe this isn't nefarious, I don't know. But it's interesting anyway.
In any case, Joseph is probably better than Trump's *official* counsel of record, who pushed Kamala Harris birther nonsense.
btw, my computer uses a global date format (dd/mm/yyyy), not a US format. That's why the dates look weird to Americans. They weren't written in September.
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