Harry's Headfit? Hmmm...A thread....
April 8, 2020 News broke that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had patented 'HeadFit' as a software service, which meant, it was going to be a mobile application.
It would also be used in line with Harry and Kate's mental health improvement campaign.
April 27, 2020 Harry launched HeadFit for military. Which means, we'll might still get to see Kate's Headfit for Children and Families, right? *refer to first tweet*
Harry stepped back in March.
And didn't put this idea on hold until he sorted Archewell.
He left 'his idea' behind for the Royal Foundation. You think he would do that if it was really his?
So which is it: Harry's idea but the RF patented on his behalf or the RF's idea?
If I was Harry and it was truly my idea, I'd be registering those patents myself! And I won't wait three years to do it so nobody announces my idea or steals it. Or, I would have left the family and had my legal reps handle it, along with all the other trademarks and patents.
So, this confirms what I said. The idea was his. They claim he made it known in 2017 but HeadsTogether made it known in 2017...No where did I see it was Harry's idea. It was clear enough. The Royal Foundation joined forces with the Ministry of Defence to develop it.
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