The negative energy w/Ret General Lloyd Austin.

We can learn from this.

Think about him starting work w/this negative attention.

All those terrible trump picks- he JUST placed Corey Womp Womp in a role.

But ONE Black man causes MSM going on attack.

Racism is america's fuel
Dems w/BLM in their profile: Biden shouldn't be like Trump!

Hire ONE Black man w/a waiver & now Biden/Harris are "just like trump"

It is going to be a long 4 years of illogic, unapproachable standards, overreaction, & fear of Black people getting a single return on our votes.
On much smaller scales this is the nonsense Black folk endure and get when we start new jobs all.the.time. The backlash - token, affirmative action, quota, unqualified, not right fit... hovers above until we either break or produce so much success it momentarily put away.
Because it comes back out once we apply for a promotion. Our lived professional work experience is a fight against the quietness of the racism of projection. And it is not only conservatives. Liberals, allies, dems are the hiring, hr, supervising people who deny, reject, hold
us back, skip over us, justify & rationalize "why we aren't the right person for the job" - just as we have all seen from some of our mutuals onhere. It is depressing that in 2020 we are still fighting this fight w/in our own party of voters. And for what? To hold a job for "that
other person who fits better with white sensibilities" and nothing else. My Black mutuals ALL have a story that can fit this thread. Every single one. The comprehensiveness of how we are forced back, held back, blocked, railroaded, can be debilitating.. if we didn't have to eat
and survive. Almost all the ceos are white, most of the managers, hr people, and supervisors & decision makers, too. But ONE of us rises and the whole system rallies against us. And we have to survive & thrive, and smile & be nice and get it done in the face of such sanctioned
oppression. And we have to swim through all that, survive it with a smile, be extra productive & still settle for less pay, fewer promotions & recognition. And our friends and peers who are white & who probably never visited our home, want us to hold it in, not emote, and keep
the piece and wait for a next time - a better time - a more proper time - to get what we have earned. What our parents and their parents have earned. "Wait for a day that will never come so we can all just stay happy." Is what it sounds like. Look up the Ret Gen resume. See the
"rule" that is not a law & which HAS A WAIVER PROVISION for just this reason.. and which was JUST used..and ask yourself why it was okay for a white pres to use it - with unanimous approval from both sides - but it is not okay for a new white pres to use it for a Black man?
You know why. We all do. And yet, this app is full of handwringing over the nothingness of it all and it is qual parts dem & gop. Oppression knows no party lines, and each party is awash in systemic racism.

We all just voted in the most progressive team in ages or maybe ever.
They will do progressive things & those actions will include Blackness as a thought, not an afterthought. End.
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