Thread: Regardless of where you stand on the Death Penalty, let me tell you why @KimKardashian is right on this case and why @realDonaldTrump should commute Bernard’s sentence to life in prison. First, let’s look at some of the facts:
-At the time of the carjacking, Brandon had just turned 18.
-He was with several other boys, two juveniles and a fairly older friend.
-The plan was not to kill the couple they stole the car from.
-Brandon did not pull the trigger, the older defendant shot the couple.
-The 17 yr old defendants are out of prison now having served long prison sentences.
-The one who shot the couple was executed earlier this year.
-Brandon has served ~20+ years in prison.
-Brandon hasn’t just been a model person in custody, he has come closer to God and family
-Brandon has been and can continue to be a wonderful father to his daughter.
-Brandon is not afraid to die and is at peace but wants to live for his daughter and family.
-Brandon is a positive resource to others in prison including the Warden and those who work there.
-5 jurors have come forward and indicated they were wrong to issue the death penalty and wouldn’t if they had known several factors about the case and Brandon.
-The foreperson of the Jury wants a commutation because Brandon was “clearly not the ringleader but a younger follower.”
-The DOJ office of the Deputy Attorney General found there were “ample reasons to not” go forward with the execution.
-The DOJ Office of Pardons recommended commuting to life in prison.
-We should be refuse to ever apply the death penalty to nearly juvenile “followers” who do not kill the victim.
-Especially, when we see transformative rehabilitation in such a young person and where he is contributing to the well-being of his daughter and family.
-The crime was serious and tragic. The killer has been executed and life in prison is not “soft on crime” consequence for Brandon.
-His execution is set for tomorrow.
-As my mentor and friend Judge Benson (RIP)said to me often “when in doubt error on the side of compassion.”
-I’m asking all God-fearing conservatives and my reform advocate friends and champions to raise your voices for Brandon Bernard and his family and ask @realDonaldTrump to commute this sentence to life in prison.
An update: -Brandon is scheduled to be executed at 6 pm.
-Many are discussing the fire:
-Some evidence is incomplete at the time of trial.
-Brandon was told to help light the fire by the ringleader who was holding the gun.
-Analysis after the trial showed the couple died from the gunshot wound.
-The forensic expert also indicated that the heart could have beat a few times after they were dead from the shot to the head.
-No one is saying it wasn’t a horrible crime and justice demands punishment.
-The ringleader has been executed.
-Brandon deserved to be punished as well. There is far more good he can continue to do with his daughter, family and the young black men he mentors.
-So far, POTUS is refusing to grant the commutation.
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