Want to know how to I.D. your local predatory landlord?? (Lol, *that’s* redundant!) Anyhoo... 🔍 STEP ONE! Plug the address of the home/apartment at issue—here 4406 N. Mississippi—into the search bar at https://www.portlandmaps.com/ 
That will show you the name of the owner, which could be a person or some kind of organization/entity (like a corporation or a nonprofit for example). Here, we learn that a corporation with the generic name Urban Housing Development LLC “owns” the red house.
We also learn the PO Box address for the owners, if you want to send them mail, which is PO Box 11930, OR 97211-0930. But how can we find out more about the owners when they’re a corporation? STEP TWO! Go to the state’s “Find a Business” webpage http://egov.sos.state.or.us/br/pkg_web_name_srch_inq.login...
Click the “Exact words in any order” button and type the owner’s corporation’s name in to the “Business Name” then click Search for Business Name. On the next screen, click on the corporation’s name. That will take you to the main info page for that corporation...
STEP THREE! This is the money page. From here we learn that Roman Ozeruga is the name of the flipper behind Urban Housing Development. We also get another address—this time 4949 SW Macadam Ave. #17 (which looks like one of these “hip” startup rent-an-office type places) ...
We also get access here to all of the owner’s past reports to the state, going back to 2005. You can view and download most of those. In short, lots of breadcrumbs here for folks to use for finding out more info about the red house...
AND! **you can do this with _any_ address in Portland**, including yours, to find out who owns it. If it’s a business entity, you can use the state’s website to find out who’s behind the corporate curtain. Daylight = the best disinfectant y’all!!

🧡 Dad
(ps, the alt-text ok?)
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