“How dare you talk about coexistence! Your condemnation of war crimes is not sincere!” this is a summary of 99% of Armenian Twitter right now. I am really sorry, you are right, the unapologetic ethnic cleansing Armenians commit is so much better! (1)
War is awful. It was also awful 30 years ago, but you were OK with it then. You were Ok with 700K Azerbaijanis fleeing, barefoot, through the mountains to save their lives, so that 70K Armenians could self-determine. You were Ok with Khojali, because “things happen in war”. (2)
You were Ok with towns and villages you captured being destroyed and mined, because Armenians need a “buffer”. You were Ok when you soldiers fed our dead to pigs, filmed it, shared it, and your generals taunted us with it. Azerbaijanis deserved it - they attacked! (3)
You were Ok when your soldiers finished off wounded Azerbaijanis by smashing their heads. You were Ok after Ganja. You were Ok after Barda. Azerbaijani toddlers had it coming. It is Aliev’s fault! (4)
You were Ok when YOUR men were doing the throat-cutting. You say Azerbaijan investigating war crimes is a sham? You say Azerbaijanis condemning them is not enough? You know what, get your righteous fingers out of our faces. Go deal with your own demons and we’ll deal with ours. 5
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