Jesus, if real, was a Master Teacher, a Mystery School Initiate, Adept, and Teacher, a Miracle Worker / Healer, and an Enemy of the State ( #ROME) and true #REVOLUTIONARY. It appears that he came from well-off stock, despite that whole “born in a manger (barn)” stuff.
His given name was Yeshua ben Yosef. Jesus was the Greek translation of Yeshua, more accurately Joshua n English. His parents & bloodline served as a reunification of two feuding Jewish Tribes (Tribe of Judah & Tribe of Benjamin, I believe) & he was the RIGHTFUL King of the Jews.
The politics have been obscured by history & power/control structures (see: Government, “The Church”), but by bloodline and birthright he WAS “King of the Jews.” That was not merely hyperbole, nor just an insult/joke. For whatever political & control-structure-related reasons...
He was not allowed to take his proper position & was thwarted/ridiculed by the (Jewish & Roman) Power Structures. The Bible (conveniently) glances over everything he did from ages 12 - 30, roughly, when he “returns home” as a Rabbi & Spiritual Teacher.
It is likely that during this time, Jesus Traveled and studied at the great Libraries & (Mystery) Schools of the World. Most likely he made a trek to the Library of Alexandria & possibly to India. Egyptian and vaguely Hindu teachings are espoused by Him in the Gospels.
When he returned, he was an ordained (Jewish) Rabbi, and under the “Rules” of Judaism at the time, this meant he HAD to be married. He was, to Mary Magdalene, and it is likely that the Wedding at Canna was His/Their Wedding! This was where He “turned the Water into Wine.”
The wedding is possible evidence of Christ (One Who Is Anointed)’s personal/Family wealth & status, which makes the story all the more interesting. Evidence & the writings of Josephus suggest that Jesus & Mary Magdalene DID, in fact, have at LEAST one child.
Josephus describes Yeshua as having been short, black, and having a scraggly/underdeveloped beard. He is the only well-known historian of roughly the same time frame who mentions him, and he later made the claim in his writings that Jesus died as an old man in a Castle in France.
Jesus’s rightful claim of Majesty & Kingliness, alongside his “skirting” of certain (religious/social) norms & rules, his challenges to the religious authorities & Roman government, his inspiring of the “peasants” to challenge rules of government & religion &to consider revolt...
and his spread of outside cultures &!teachings, all contributed to the dislike he received from religious leaders (Pharisees, Sadducees) & governmental officials. The religious leaders did question him, and his metaphorical and allegorical replies went right over their heads.
They COULD have had him stoned to death on religious grounds (blasphemy, heresy, failure to abide by certain rules) but they DIDN’T. It was not “The Jews” who killed Christ. It was the Roman Government, via crucifixion, which was a public display used against POLITICAL CRIMINALS.
Crucifixion was largely reserved for Enemies of the State & Political Criminals, to make an example of them, in an attempt to discourage the Public from ever challenging Roman Law & Authority. But our Boy Jesus? Didn’t give a FUCK! The REAL reason Yeshua was MURDERED was...
for flipping the table(s) of the Money Changers (Bank[st]ers) in the middle of an open forum public market w/ dozens (100s? 1000s?) of onlookers. He was apprehended by Roman Military & there was a brief “scuffle,” during which Simon Peter (meaning the Rock) cut off Malchus’ ear.
Yeshua was given a phony public trial, intended to belittle him & make him look crazy, weak, and dangerous, and was then put to death by the Romans by crucifixion on either a Cross or a Stake (this is disputed, see: Jehovah’s Witness Bible) in front of an audience.
Up to the very point of Death, Yeshua continued to espouse the value & virtue of Love & Forgiveness, famously uttering the phrase, “Father, Forgive them, for They Know not what they Do.” Up until this point, Christ’s teachings had been largely Gnostic, with a Belief in DIRECT...
Communion with “God.” Jesus’ (twin) Brother Thomas (Thomas means Twin) attempted to carry on the Church & Teachings as Jesus had, in the Gnostic & “Mystery School” Belief (C: Apocrypha of John), while Paul &several other disciples changed the focus to center around Jesus himself.
Paul wrote and created the “Jesus as Eternal Scapegoat” idea most Christians believe today, while the “Real” Church he’d founded carried on in the Ancient & Gnostic traditions, and the two Forks of the Church found themselves at odds over “Truth” & appropriate Spiritual Teachings
Eventually, Constantine & the Roman Government settled the dispute at the “Council of Nicea,” establishing the “Nicene Creed” and outlining the “official rules” of the Church, in 325 AD, after Constantine had a vivid Dream of Conquering many Lands under the Symbol of the Cross.
The Roman Church simply tossed out all teachings & beliefs they found to be in conflict w/maintaining a firm yoke on Roman Society, threw out & burned Books of the Bible to which they were opposed, & Established/Cemented the 66-book Qanon (Canon) of the Bible still used today.
Christianity was established as the official Roman “State Religion,” and Astrological & Pagan/Magical teachings which were common at the time received a whitewashing with a facade of Christ, changing Saturnalia to Christmas & replacing Sol (Sun) Worship with Jesus Christ Worship.
Over time more holidays & more of the Traditional Culture were written over & replaced with virtually identical “Christian” versions of things. This Roman Church over time became the (Roman) Catholic Church and continued hunting down & destroyed Ancient Texts & Scrolls...
many of which were originally (meant to be) included in the Bible. Many of these resurfaced years later after archaeological digs as The Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi Scrolls, and others. The Catholic Church maintained (and still holds to this day) copies of many of these books.
They are now housed in the Vatican Library, and no one outside of the Papacy knows what all books, documents, and texts are hidden away within. Access to the full Library is severely restricted. The “Christian Churches” of today bear little to no resemblance to the ACTUAL...
teachings of Christ, and have instead been used as a form of Social Control & Psychological Manipulation, as well as a Global Tax-Free Money-Making Operation (see: Tithes, Collections, & Donations). Jesus Himself is quoted in the Bible as saying both, “ is harder for a...”
“Rich Man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than it is for a Camel to pass through the Eye of a Needle,” and telling a rich man that, to be perfect, he must sell ALL of his Goods & give them to the Poor. The Pope now sits atop a Golden Throne in a $TRILLION+ PRIVATE Country!
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