. @SenatorTomUdall leaves behind a momentous environmental legacy. With his last day in the Senate yesterday, we’re highlighting just a few of the actions he took to better protect us and the environment (thread)
Notably, his leadership was instrumental to bipartisan passage of the Lautenberg Act that overhauled the country’s chemical safety system #TSCA
By advocating stronger protections to #CutMethane pollution and waste from oil and gas production, @SenatorTomUdall has proven a steadfast advocate for local communities, public lands and our climate
Water is the life blood of the West and @SenatorTomUdall has been a phenomenal champion to ensure the resilience of this vital resource in the face of a changing climate
Thank you @SenatorTomUdall for tirelessly fighting for stronger health and environmental protections for our families for over a decade in the Senate!
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