This is true, and Trump will be remembered, above all, for dealing the republic a grievous blow. But it would be inane to view this in a vacuum, to pretend there hasn't been a crisis mounting for decades.
Everyone who keeps talking about Trump undermining or ignoring the will of the people is right, but they act as if this simply happened spontaneously. It didn't. It predates 2016. It predates 2000. The beginnings of the unravelling date to at least 1992 but, really, before then.
Our tribal impulses lead us to blame this coming apart on something the other side did ages ago.

The big difference between Republicans and Democrats is not that one is more immoral than the other, but that one lost control of its base and the other is barely holding on.
Only the partisans -- those who are buried deep inside their cognitive commitments, who are no longer capable of empathy -- are blind to this.
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