god that fucking thing about "we're going to reopen the majority of schools"

i was a fucking kid when columbine happened. i remember all the panic about "protecting kids". all the talk and rush to *certain kinds* of action in order to 'protect kids'.

they never actually cared.
all they did was make lives shitty for the kids at school whose lives were already shitty with new shitty policies. all they did was stuff the schools full of cops who would brutalize those same fucking kids they were supposed to 'protect' and totally fail to stop shootings.
ramping up punishments and surveillance of the harmless school goths? sure! even more punishment for the black kids? of course! cops in every school? absolutely! actually dealing with the violent bigoted kids that were exactly fucking like klebold and harris? not a chance!
and now they want to 'reopen the majority of schools' with the only protections any of them are gonna get is *hoping* they get a vaccine soon enough, which of course will get to poor kids last. nothing for the teachers either. applauding their bravery while giving them nothing.
defunded schools with godawful ventilation staffed by teachers who were having to pay their own way or crowdfund basic school resources YEARS BEFORE the pandemic happened teaching kids with no institutional power to protect themselves. this is what 'back to normal' looks like.
they didn't fucking care about 'protecting the kids' during columbine, they didn't care during the dozens of school shootings to come afterwards, and they don't care now as they send kids back to school during covid. they talk about how important you are while letting you die.
lol. got temp suspended and had to do a phone confirmation thing.

someone didn't like this shit, huh.
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