Representation in any administration matters. We need to see female, Black, Asian, Latino, Native & LGBTQ ppl in leadership. But we need more than faces in high places. Justice is about what policy priorities the next administration will pursue.
Real power is not just about who gets appointed, but who is at the center of an administration’s vision for change & policy transformation goals to make the establishment of justice real.
Remember, when Thurgood Marshall was asked whether his replacement on the Supreme Court should be Black, he said that while race would inevitably be a factor in choosing someone for the Court, it should not be used as "an excuse for doing wrong."
He defined that as "picking the wrong Negro and saying, 'I'm picking him because he's a Negro.'"

Then he said in characteristic Marshall frankness, “Race shouldn’t be an excuse for a bad appointee. There’s no difference b/w a black snake & a white snake. They’ll both bite.”
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