#XSpoilers @ComicBookHerald is right:
Storm is definitely gonna be the Krakoan space ambassador
In @AIPTcomics Hickman described this era as focusing in "Expansion". To ne that really makes clear that the mutants are establishing dominion in the galaxy
#XSpoilers this is only furthered by the convo with Brand and Mags. Erik wants to engage the galactic stage as peers, solar system to solar system, empire to empire
Part of the Dream of Krakoa is to leave behind the petty and taxing foolishness of anti-mutant humans and focus on bigger visions.
In Moira's 9th life (?), the bulk of mutants have left Sol for Shi'ar space. I imagine that the acquisition of S.W.O.R.D. is to help prevent that from happening by becoming the primary instution for Earth's galactic diplomacy
X-men #4 reminds us that domination over Earth's institutions is the true goal for Krakoa and an assurance of mutant safety. I believe this philosophy applies on the solar system scale as well
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