Everything About Shadow Work Thread 🕸

Our shadow frequency and the fears that come with operating at that frequency are the main reason why most people aren’t living their best life. It is also one of the reasons why we develop diseases that cause stress and harm to the body.
Here are the main reasons why we cant escape the shadow frequency.
⁃The fears we have.
⁃The childhood wounds.
⁃The emotional mental and physical pain we endure but never release or fully embrace.
The shadow keeps us here and it is scared to move on because its instincts are surviving. All the pain that you have been through has made you who you are today. The let downs, the fails, the limits all the things that made you feel negative emotions has made you build a mental
blockage so you dont have to go through that pain and misunderstanding ever again. So you dont ever feel that death of emotions. But this is what keeps the cycle occuring because instead of embracing and trying to fully understand that emotion we just blame someone or play the
victim. When we blame ourselves it hurts us because we make ourselves seem lower and less than we actually are. When we place the blame on other people we are still hurting ourselves because we start to hold actions back when we meet new people with the thought that we already
know how this person will react. We are trying to protect ourselves from feeling that negative emotion again.

How to heal the Shadow:

Warning: The shadow wounds that we have may be very deep and we do a lot to avoid these fears.
This at first may make you feel sad, hurt, and upset. You may cry depending on how bad your wounds are but thats ok. Crying is releasing. Release the pain and suffering of the shadow wounds and let them be the gateway for the better you.
1. Instead of blaming yourself negatively, accept responsibility for the situations and the emotions that occurred from it.
2. Fully accept these hurtful traits and situations and treat them with love.
3. Be consistent with thinking of the fears and shadows and look for the benefits from them.
4. Think about the lessons you learned.
5. Think about how you can integrate the lessons in your life without keeping the wounds there.
6. Thank the shadow and fear for being there and teaching you these lessons.
7. Thank yourself that you became aware of these issues and problems in yourself so you can fix them and live your best life stress free.
8. Write a short letter to yourself as if you are your future self living your best life right now and show gratitude to your younger self for going through all the hard times you did. Write about the lessons you learned and how they helped you reach your goals and where you are
Express how you are grateful to have gone through these things and learned these lessons to be better person in life. Explain how you integrated the lesson you learned from your shadow and how it helped better all your relationships around you.
9. Dont force yourself to do too much at once. Dont let it overwhelm you. Take time to recharge.

Do these practices as much as possible and as least try to think about these things everyday. The less you feel upset, sad, and avoidant and the more you feel grateful, accepting,
and happy for these shadow wounds means that you are coming into a full understanding of the situation or emotion. This will lift that burden from your life.
A little more information. As humans species we have DNA and in our DNA we have something called codons. In short, codons are codes that build amino acids. Amino acids builds different protein and enzymes in your body from the codon codes. There are 64 codons. Codons are the
physical gateway to your higher vibration and awareness. Each codon holds different frequency vibrations ranging from the lowest vibration “shadow” to the highest vibration “siddhi”. Each codon holds a different frequency awareness that at the shadow level can cause chaos and
separation in your life, the gift level can cause prosperity and teamwork in your life and at the siddhi level can cause bliss and unity in your life. Through the law of resonance certain higher codes in the codons can be activated by our moods, what we say, how we act, and the
things in our environment. Everyone has all 64 DNA codons but only a select few will be a focus for you. Specifically 26. They split them into 13 each. The unconscious part of you and the conscious part of you. The way they calculate this is by your accurate birth time day and
place. The way they calculate the DNA that can be activated in your chart is by taking all the exact degrees and zodiac signs of the astrological placements in the sky at your birth time and matching it with your biological makeup. They calculate this with a human design chart.
You can get one free online. They calculate the conscious part of with you with your regular birthday sun, earth, north node, south node, moon, venus, mercury, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, and pluto placements. They calculate the unconscious part of you by bringing
your birthday and time back 3 months to when your soul incarnated in your body. All of these different placements in the sky are interconnected to certain centers in our body. These centers are the g center, spleen center, sacral center, root center, heart center, solar plexus
center, throat center ajna center and the head center. These centers house the codons. A codon ring is a group of codons and there are 21 codon rings. Each codon ring relating to a start/stop codon. Codon rings and the way DNA interacts through inheritance and ancestry are some
of the main reasons why certain people and groups are brought together. Codon rings are the lead to biologically understanding karma. How they fuse and come together forms the unified energetic field keeping humanity together. It holds the reason to why and how we instinctively
act to things. Everyone is great and amazing in their own way and we all have something to contribute to the whole of society. Michael jordan, mozart, marilyn monroe, lil pump. It doesnt matter who you are, at the end we all have a purpose in life. The main purpose is to help
yourself grow in life because at the end we are all connected. So if your helping yourself grow, then one day you will be helping someone else grow best believe it even if its with just a few words of advice.
Here are the 64 codons and the different frequencies in which they operate.
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