my ocs as mother mother songs bc I’m bored and on break at work: a thread
Jules - Verbatim

I feel like this is pretty self explanatory if u really listen to the song and know Jules well lmao
Ren - Wrecking Ball

general shower of chaos. however I also feel like it can tie into their perception of reality and like actively fighting against their possession. Very good very tasty
Roman - Ghosting

PLEASE THIS IS SUCH A ROMAN CORE SONG being sick of hiding his feelings for Leif and his doubts and fears taking root🥺🥺
Kenko - Arms Tonite

ANOTHER ABSOLUTELY PERFECT KENKO CORE SONG. Being a retainer and having to face death constantly, having is soul signed away and “dying” in his father arms......and also the third actual meaning of the song applies to him to AHFJDJAJCNJDJS
Leif - Body

just,,,,,,Leif being so worn down from everything that’s happened and willing to throw all of himself away for a chance to start over and to stop carrying this burden,,,,,,
Hayloft- Hinata

I MEAN,,,,,,,I MEAN,,,,,,, cmon how could I not he’s a warlords son with anger issues PLEASE
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