I have devoted the past 8 years of my professional career to distribution. I worked for 3.5 years under a distribution consultant, 3 years managing a distribution support dept at a high profile artist support org and spent a year learning about impact distribution...
I'm currently a consultant and have been taking on clients solo or in conjunction with the amazing team at the film collaborative. I've developed a reputation as someone who loves creative and self distribution (true) but also someone who has answers with regard to the ...
market (false). Anyone who claims this is lying to you. The majority of my clients are mid-tier filmmakers who are interested in a different perspective regarding their options. I always fear that they are looking to me for predictions and some sort of answers to what can be...
seen as the cloudy mysticism of distribution and I always fear I am disappointing them in some way. I spend consultation sessions talking with them about the mid tier distributors who are open to content that hasn't swept top tier festivals, or does not have famous cast/genre...
tie-ins. I have the same conversation a lot about how not to expect to profit from their film, but that the best way to go forward is to reduce middle men/women, build your own audience in a more permanent way, & go into these deals with your eyes wide open. If you are one of...
these filmmakers, you will be approached by lower level distributors who often get more from you than you derive from them (unless they have long standing industry relationships for curated pitches). You may be approached by mid-tier distributors who may have a record of...
successful pitches to curated platforms but won't know how to market your title. You also have alternate options - the more aggregator/distributor types that still have successful pitches & pathways to avod but won't overpromise you about marketing. I tend to promote these...
companies a lot because they're fair open to my pitches, and don't try to oversell filmmakers. Still people come to me and I think expect me to make them millions because of my experience and association with outliers or my support of taking control of your titles. Self...
distribution only works (financially, as well as publicity wise) if you put the time in, have the budget, and are INTO developing a relationship with your audience for the long term and are grateful for every ounce of support you receive at every turn. Entitlement at any stage...
of distribution is absurd and filmmakers need to stop expecting to recoup under this broken system. I'm working on a few things that I think will help pave a new path for all of us alongside amazing teammates, but I just wanted to confess. I have no answers. I am doing the best..
I can for filmmakers and trying to educate as well as connect them to open pathways. But this is not sustainable for the majority of us. Make art that comes from your soul. Even if it's not "important" or pretentious or about world peace - if it's important & cathartic to you...
to get out of your system - MAKE IT. Be a tortoise. Slow & steady. Commit to your art, keep growing your audience. You will break out when it becomes undeniable that you are a force to be reckoned with. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.Sorry for the typos. [email protected]
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