I am really tired of what people have done to the word/concept of "shaming"

This concept, in the context of slut shaming and fat shaming

existed to point out that people were facing intense backlash for things that should not actually be up for community debate.
AND! That this social backlash was EXTREMELY GENDERED against feminine people in a way that it is NOT against cis men

This is a concept about POWER DYNAMICS

It was NOT about if people should face consequences for their actual shit harmful behavior
Like it actually boils my ass that I have to see people say the phrase "skinny shaming" in all seriousness

Because people with power and privilege do not want marginalized people to have the language to describe the ways we are harmed by their privileged crap

So they consistently take our language and concepts and water them down with their bullshit until they mean nothing anymore
Slut shaming is a specific concept used to describe the gendered ways we punish feminine people's sexuality while NOT DOING THE SAME to cis men

Fat shaming is about the repetitive violence fat people are subjected to simply for visibly existing in ways THIN PEOPLE ARE NOT
Poverty shaming is REAL because no one even wants poor people to have fun ever and poor people are subjected to intrusive monitoring of everything they do.

Rich people are NOT

So therefore!

Wealth shaming is not a thing.

Telling someone that they need to take their ass home and stay there and not go on damn vacation during a fucking pandemic does not meet the conceptual condition to be "shaming".

Because if you are spreading corona around when you could stay home?

You should be ashamed.
If you hurt someone when you could have chosen not to do that?

Well then shame is a useful emotion you should experience.

And hopefully learn from.
Stop letting people steal useful concepts and ruin them until they are a literal joke.
And I cannot help but to feel that part of the reason why this has become so rampant

Is because y'all don't respect fat activists as real activists

And the idea that fat people are asking to not be treated like garbage by the culture is literally unthinkable to most people.
The idea that fat people shouldn't just be automatic targets of abuse is a literal joke to most people.

And it pisses me off.
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