Today I will make a thread tweeting like some of my CT friends. The purpose of this thread is to just save you motherfuckers the time of scrolling through the feed. Here it is, the entirety of CT.

UwU hoomans wake up, dine, sleep. Time to create chaos LMWO. look at dis screenshot I took of a conversation no one else would find even if they were looking for it. Also bee tee see is ded. Abuela abuela abuela. lil fucker

Here’s a technical thought I had while taking a shit that none of you are going to understand until 17 months later & it plays out to the tee because I secretly control all the markets and OH what is this.. an e-girl who’s probably a boy with 2 followers? Followed.

I have awoken 5 mins ago, I’ve already ordered door-dash 15 times. Ive ingested a concoction of drugs and will now drift into outer space while my bot prints money.

(Yo ngl Gainzy has a dope life wtf LOL)

I am lost, in a sea of confusion. Astray, drifting, my stomach pains me. It’s been a while since I’ve eaten anything. The hunger draws from my energy reserves. The lack of sustenance brings me to a halt. My vision has never been clearer, I must make it all back.

I am on tinder. Ive matched with countless hot girls. Here is one sample, here is her ass, and here is me being a complete ape and yet somehow still being able to pull through. Also fuck cobain. I photoshop so much shit no one knows what the truth is anymore.


I will literally ratio your every tweet for my own pleasure. If you ratio mine I will send the KGB after you. I have frighteningly perfect grammar and an attractive accent.

I am extremely unbiased. Emotionless even. My sense of humor ranges between heartless German and soulless american. If you piss me off I will literally draw a box on the chart and ruin your entire bull market.


I literally create 100% of the volume across all exchanges I don’t even understand why the rest of you peasants even bother trading anymore. You are fodder to this great ape engine.

Hurrr duurrrrr crypto soup group I don’t like watches why you pay fousands of dollar for it when you have mobile clock >:( abuela abuela abuela

Damn alllll my boys are gonna make it this is literally it bros we’re all going to fucking live like kings and buy our mommas houses and get girlfriends I fucking believe in us bros

Generic statement that drives engagement really hard that is hedged in case a different scenario plays out.

Hentai, hentai, Defi blue chips you’re all fucking morons who will lose your money but please keep doing what you do because it pays for my anime pillow purchases

305728 ways to say I am gay. I ingest dique for breakfast.

Opened a position. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I’m underwater. I’m deeply underwater. Send help. I will cycle for 60 km and shut off notifications to forget just how deeply underwater I am. Okay I have returned, I have closed this position for a vast profit. Thanks

Have you seen my bot? Have you seen my car? How the fuck are you even @‘ing me you god damn peasant. Also here is a calm tweet, a tweet well engineered for engagement.

Hello friends I am Michael Saylor. Wait no, I’m Will Smith, and you’re watching how I met your mother. Please stay tuned for the next episode of loose Australian cannon in China or another episode of my multiple personality disorder

Hello, I am a god damn literal genius. I spend my spare time creating amazing trading tools and simping on twitter. What is going on in my brain? No one knows but everyone sure as fuck loves it. Bella please follow me back.

(John I love you please don’t block me)

LONG MORE. WE’RE ALL GOING TO MAKE IT. EVERY LAST ONE OF US. Dentoshi was my tweet good enough for you? Dentoshi please I love you I sent you my kidney why aren’t you responding. OVERLOAD OF POSITIVITY.

Ayyy Dutch fam crypto fam high as fuck pretty girls out-trading your dumbass while drinking wine and looking fine what are you even still doing with your life why are you even trying to keep up. Made 13 profitable trades before you even woke up PUSSY. Keep up.

I am law master. No I do not practice law, what gave you that impression you moron? I spent 5 years of research and wrote a report predicting the next 50 years in crypto relying on extremely intricate metrics people are too simple to understand.

Ive reached the upper echelon of society. I am Zeus and looking down on you simpletons, I purchased a thousand $500 pills that makes poop gold, then fed them to my army of pure breed dogs. I jump from one infinity pool to another while making millions. (1/2)

Ah, ive awoken, I shall bully Gainzy and Barney, then buy the tower across from mine because it’s blocking the sun on my terrace between the hours of 2-4. I will now give away thousands of $ at random, gather round, children. (Thats actually pretty nice) (2/2)

Ayooo mocho esta locoooo what es mi doing On Crypto twitterino when no bodies understandamente wtf am saying si? Is good projecto dis one veryyyy good just buy buy buy to the moon let’s gooooooo

I literally don’t know a life outside of trading exists. I am one with these charts, we are intertwined and our fates sealed as one. I know what every market participant will do before he even thinks it. Patterns are named after me, follow me and observe in silence

Popped an acid tab, snorted 13 lines of coke and lit 2 blunts and I will now tweet some pure actionable alpha while high out of my god damned mind. Anime anime anime, also here I commissioned some artists to make real life art about anime cats

Hello im a 22 year old who named myself red and my personality consists of flipping between green and red at inopportune times and having the entire crypto verse shame me for it. Please help me out of this hell.

I am not XO

I am not SZ

This mustache, I’ve spent years grooming it. This style, these clothes, the gaze. You’re not ready for it, none of you are. Born in the wrong era, supposed to be driving down the shoreline in a 67 ‘stang with a honey by my side, instead I interview nerds all day.

Half my personality consists of living in New York, the other half consists of firing out irrelevant and relevant news alike, all day, to litter everyone’s feeds and stay relevant. Look at my bio and gaze your eyes upon the multiple Fortune 500 companies SIR
You can follow @Abu9ala7.
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