Thread on Fireside Chat with AEJ Policy's Erzo Luttmer, moderated by Belinda Archibong & Marika Cabral (1/n)
What makes a paper AEJ Policy worthy?
(1) How compelling the paper is (conclusions supported by data and evidence)
(2) Innovativeness (something new; can be methodological or contribution to the lit beyond field journal level)
(3) Policy relevance (should be evident)
How are coeditors identified? Based on coeditor expertise, no (perceived) conflict of interest (extra care on this), and balancing workload. Better for authors to declare conflicts of interests with any coeditors.
How are referees identified? Variety of expertise (knowledge of methods, institutional setting), conflict of interest, experience refereeing for AEJ and higher-level journals, not always drawn from papers cited
On timelines: 50% desk reject (1-2 weeks max), conditional on refereeing (9 weeks average; very few go over 6 months). Imp. priority for the journal to provide timely & informative reviews. OK to email about status at 6-7 months.
How are decisions made on refereed papers? Not simple bean-counting. Strength of comments more comments (how negative are the negative comments etc?). All 3 positive reports don't guarantee R&R. Rare to overrule 3 negative reports.
Luttmer stressed the importance of good writing & careful empirical execution (esp as something under appreciated by early-career researchers).
On transfer of papers from AER(I) to AEJ Policy: Clear guidelines on the journal page. Better to submit the MS submitted to AER/(I) & ref reports than to edit the paper. Cover letter to AEJ should state how authors would address key comments from AER/(I) referees (in 2-3 pages)
This could result in R&R. But if AER(I) reports are brief and not informative, then fresh review process likely at AEJ.
On non-US focused policy topics: AEJ Applied potentially better for pure development papers but if they have a policy focus (eg., tax enforcement in developing country), then could be good fit for AEJ Policy. #EconTwitter
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