I think this is a great & important goal. Wouldn't most families go for this if it was actually done safely? The parent talked about how this impacting her family and made some pretty broad claims about what could be done. I hope she's correct. https://twitter.com/SarahBeckman3/status/1336728453878603778
Gov. Reynolds has bragged a lot about how much money has been saved by her administration, I think it would be important to talk about channeling some of that to schools to make this possible, if she really has it as a goal.
The parent who spoke is from Ankeny, which is certainly one of the state's wealthiest districts and likely most modern (both of their high schools were built in the last decade or so). Our fam lives in the Des Moines district and they haven't opened a new building in ~50 years.
When the parent said something about having 25 kids safely in a classroom as early as the start of next semester, I audibly gasped at the thought.
The parent also didn't talk much (any?) about the safety of adults in the buildings/district. The Gov. did say that is where any transmission happening in schools is happening ... but no plan for how Iowa would mitigate that if/when a full-time option would be available/req.
Having a parent talk about how hard it is to have your kids at home/remote right now is fine, it's the experience that many of us are dealing daily. I'm not sure what the point is though if you're not also going to present how things could be changed to be done safely.
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