Ah, the #prochoice trending hashtag: breathe that sweet, servile odor of prochoicers singing their allegiance to their capitalist bosses.
Pointing out that the child-killing is the fuel by which large corporations are able to scrape more labor out of women isn't even a subtle point anymore: Behold, @RhiaVentures, VC consultants who will make your company more money by making sure your workers can abort.
Their report is called "Hidden Value: The Business Case for Reproductive Health," which says about everything you need to know: Businesses can make more money if their workers kill their children. If they don't, businesses will make less.
Being #prochoice is a participation in the desire of our CEO class for a an ever-more-available labor market; an ingestion of their (obvious) valuation of money over people into the hearts of the people who find themselves obliged to work for them.
If @RhiaVentures' title, "Hidden Value," is an apt description of abortion, "Hidden Liability" is an apt description of the capitalist view of the child in the womb. Abortion adds value to the commodity we call "women," and this fact can be measured in terms of total profits.
Imagine learning that a woman must kill her child to get a $15 wage and concluding that The Problem is that we're not killing children efficiently enough. Abortion is a way of making workers responsible instead of holding employers accountable for unjust labor conditions.
The capitalist end-game seems obvious: if everyone has total access to abortion, workers are totally responsible for their failure to succeed in and through the act of sacrificing their children.
Here's a wild idea that start-up bros could chew on while debating between cubicles and an open-concept office space: Create a work environment in which killing children is not necessary for your workers' material survival.
Anyways, being #prochoice is the most pro-capitalist position any one could possibly take: You may as well bow whenever your boss walks past the break-room.
Being #prolife, for its part, is inherently anti-capitalist, as it posits an order of love for which any and all potential "profit gains" should be sacrificed.

To the capitalist "kill your child for money," it says: "kill your money for children."
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