"Something that we’ve gained from covid is conversations. And it's really important for young people to have these conversations. It’s quite a lonely industry and sometimes you need to have that conversation to know that you’re on the right track" - Ellie Benmore
"In the future I definitely want to be the net for young people, to be what they need. It’s little things that give young people a stepping stone to actually say I can do this. The confidence to say I am a theatre maker. And that’s important." - Ellie Benmore
"We are trying to make work that we don’t think we would have had the opportunity to see when we were young. Broadening what we see as work - just even having less tight parameters on the type of work that we expect to see in our spaces would be a great start." @richards_pia
"I'd like to see more community youth theatre companies getting space in the top venues... What we do by not doing that is say that they're not as good and that their stories are not as important. And as we all know young people are always going to be the future." @richards_pia
"We have got a human duty to ourselves, as people working in the arts, to believe in our passion. Some of our passion may be politically or socially driven, or may be something very abstract. Try never to determine to yourself that duty can only look like one thing." @JudeKelly_
"I feel that maybe our duty of care as citizens, as people, as artistic types, is to actually accelerate the custodial responsibilities of care to younger people... We can certainly hope, but not necessarily lead, because it’s not going to be our world in the end." @YoYo_Ma
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