[1/6] We share the same publisher. He knows nothing about me, and I doubt strongly that he has even read my book. But he wants me cancelled because my old Labour values and my book are, in his little mind, "far-right". So let’s look at that. [THREAD] https://twitter.com/CasMudde/status/1336674917824204800?s=20
[2/6] I have been a member of the Labour party and trade unionist for over 20 years. My book calls for *more* immigration - but argues that the system should be better regulated and numbers more manageable to prevent intense social and economic disruption in w/class communities.
[3/6] I state explicitly in the book that skin colour should be a complete irrelevance in these debates. I also argue that we must show humanity to refugees and the UK should take its fair share. Oh, and I call the BNP thugs (which is exactly what they are).
[4/6] I state in chapter 3 of the book: “Anyone who would entertain the thought that a fellow human should suffer ill-treatment on account of such things as his race or faith has no place in civilised society.” These sentiments are apparently "far-right".
[5/6] Chapter 3 also calls for a concerted defence of free speech and pluralism in our society (the very opposite of fascism). Anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows that I am passionate about these things.
[6/6] But the guy calling for my cancellation isn't interested in any of this – because, hey, why bother with facts when you can just label someone “far-right” and demand they be cancelled. These people are demented. They present a genuine threat. We mustn't give them an inch.
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