Observation: Being home for Christmas is a whole sub-genre of music, but ultimately the songs are about travel and distance, with the implicit assumption that home = distant family.
So while "There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays" might seem like a grand slogan for 2020, the song it calls to mind is about how great it is to traipse across the country every December.
"I'll Be Home For Christmas", on the other hand, with its bittersweet realization of "if only in my dreams", fits the national mood and the needs of the moment better.
For my money, the Christmas song of 2020 is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, the line about gathering near with those who are dear notwithstanding.
The original lyrics, which are better than the pop-ified version Frank Sinatra insisted on, are especially appropriate:

"Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow. Until then we have to muddle through somehow."
The idea of a merry little Christmas... two modifiers. Little, maybe not the big blowout bash you were hoping for. Merry, still happy. Still Christmas.
We can have ourselves a merry little Christmas, even if we only go home in our dreams this year.
Yeah, that's another song that resonates a lot this year. And once again, it's about "a little Christmas". https://twitter.com/marserin/status/1336720735621033992
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