Session 2: Laura Morgan Roberts on Race Work and Leadership

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
How do we bring out the best in others? In order to activate this we have to become more adept in the art of science of valuing difference:


@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
Looking at insights from the black experience and barriers being faced in access, authenticity, advancement and authority/accountability.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
Access: Black and brown workers overrepresented at the lowest levels of an org. Those roles are the lowest paid and highest risk.

Re: Pandemic Among the Top 10 occupations of WOC in the US - 7 of 10 are caregivers.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
At the highest levels of leadership, black and brown workers are underrepresented. Only 3% of most senior level leaders are black.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
Are we creating a culture where people of different cultures feel they belong?

Are we providing the same opportunities to succeed (and fail)?

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
Even when black professionals ascend into leadership they experience contested authority. They are questioned and challenged and do not have the same degrees of freedom to lead.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
A day in the life of a black worker

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
"Is my identity going to be a liability" in the advancement of my career. Identity suppression is a cognitive tax. Also people will *underperform* when they are under stereotypical threat (paradoxical but researched) @alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
What would it take to provide free, full and true access at work? Here's a great place to start

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
The freedom to be average - wow - that's really hitting me. How many people have felt the need to be exceptional all the time?

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
The three zones of action to fully engage with our head, heart and hands when it comes to anti-racism work.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
Research show the general public is willing to talk about diversity, equity, inclusion work -- except -- when it comes to race.

The dominant group can feel very discomforted and deny, defend and disengage.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
What does action look like? We can't let our ego defensive routines get in the way, so we can learn from and across difference to create org change.

This not about shaming, it's about aspiring to be better.

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
"I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be." We are interrelated, connected and must lift each other up!

@alignmentquest #IntentionalLeadership #Zingtrain
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