why there was NOTHING WRONG with skz performance : a thread by a classics student
I AM A CLASSICS STUDENT so before you try and base your accusations off shit read this first!! fellow classicists feel free to correct me or add stuff!!
A BIT OF BACKGROUND INFO. they are ONLY representing the Greeks, specifically the Lacedaemonians/Spartans and greek mythology, not the Persians. the spartans are known to be very very good fighters and known for their determination. the spartan king +
Leonidas said that 'if we lose our spears we fight with swords and if we lose those, we fight with our hands, teeth and heads.' this means that they will never give up and they will fight for kleos and time (honour and glory) with whatever they have.
FIRSTLY, the only bit from the film that is in the performance is the 'PREPARE FOR GLORY' part and the chanting WHICH IS SAID BY THE SPARTAN KING LEONIDAS AND THE SPARTAN SOLDIERS as they prepare to battle in the battle of thermopylae in the film.
THE FILM IS HISTORICALLY INACCURATE!!! zack snyder, the director of the film, overdid a LOT of things, for example, the portrayal of the persians and the persian king Xerxes.
this obviously, isnt skz fault bc they didnt make the fucking film.
the dancers are wearing ACCURATE hoplite gear (hoplites are GREEK soldiers) and ARE PORTRAYING THE GREEKS , all weapons are what greek soldiers used in battles.
theres no reference to the persians at all. no persian soldiers, no xerxes, no persian outfits, NOTHING. literally everything in the performance from the outfits to the props to the stage is GREEK/ GREEK MYTHOLOGY
they are portraying themselves like the greeks; unstoppable, brave, determined, strong, knowledgeable. there is no reference in their performance to the persians being seen as 'lesser than the greeks'. while in the film, there could be a sense of that but i dont think there is.
they also are representing the greek god ARES, who is the god of war and courage but also could be representing HEPHAESTUS the god of fire and metalwork, hence the fiery stage. ARES could signify their determination to win, which would make sense bc they performed VICTORY SONG
THIS IS A GREEK HOPLITE. as you can see, skz' dancers are wearing exactly this, give or take a few things.
idk what else to add but there was no portayal of the persians in their performance at all and the person who made the thread heard one line from the HISTORICALLY INACCURATE FILM and tried to say that skz were portraying the persians as inferior when there's no reference to the +
persians at all.
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