I've heard a bunch of people asking if the Congress can block the approval of the electors based on @RepMoBrooks ridiculous and anti-American attempt to overturn the election by challenging the slate. While theoretically possible in the say way Kanye's election was, NO. Thread:
2. The Electoral Count Act of 1887 establishes procedures for Congress to accept or reject the Electoral College. Basically, a member of the House can object to a state's slate of electors in writing. IF a member of the Senate ALSO objects, 2 hours of debate happens.
3. The Senate goes back to the Senate, and the House goes back to the House. They debate for two hours. And then they vote.

If BOTH the House and the Senate reject the electors, they are elected. If one or neither reject the electors, they are accepted.
4. So, in order for this idiotic scheme to succeed, the House (this is NOT the State Delegations set forth in the 12th Amendment, but the entire House) would need to reject the legally elected slate from several states, along with the Senate doing so. It's not going to happen.
5. But let's say SOMEHOW something goes wild and the House and Senate both reject Pennsylvania's 20 electors (bigger chance of you each pooping a hammer tonight).

The TOTAL number of electors is then 518 (538-20). A MAJORITY of the electors is then 260 (518/2 +1) instead of 270
6. Biden currently has 306 electoral votes. So, take out PA, and he has 286. But the bar goes down to 260, so he is STILL way over. Michigan? The have 16 electoral votes. Take those out and the bar drops to 252. Biden still has 270. So you see how this gets nutso, right?
7. So really, all @MoBrooks can do, if he finds another sufficiently traitorous Senator to go into cahoots with, is add 100 hours of debate to the acceptance of the Electoral College.

In NONE of those hours will the House overturn even one slate, because they are all legit.
So don't worry about this. It's done. Trump lost. Bigly. YUGELY. And America won.
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