Patriots! How does the EO from 2018 on Election Interference and the recent rule change from the DOJ tie together and bring light to the use of Military Tribunals we've all been anxiously awaiting for 3 years! Here is what I found...
AG Barr enacted a rule change on 11/27/2020 that opened the door to other forms of execution to be used by the Federal Gov't. These include hanging, firing squads and the electric chair. These take effect on 12/28 (recent change from 12/24)
What sorts of crimes warrant the death penalty that we've been witnessing???

Treason, Sedition, Mutiny...

What about Military Tribunals? The Military Commissions Act of 2006 lists particular crimes that are eligible for military tribunals...
(1) murder of protected persons; (2) attacking civilians; (3) attacking civilian objects; (4) attacking protected property; (5) pillaging; (6) denying quarter; (7) taking hostages; (8) employing poison or similar weapons; (9) using protected persons as a shield;
(10) using protected property as a shield; (11) torture; (12) cruel or inhuman treatment; (13) intentionally causing serious bodily injury; (14) mutilating or maiming; (15) murder in violation of the law of war; (16) destruction of property in violation of the law of war;
(17) using treachery or perfidy; (18) improperly using a flag of truce; (19) improperly using a distinctive emblem; (20) intentionally mistreating a dead body; (21) rape; (22) sexual assault or abuse; (23) hijacking or hazarding a vessel or aircraft; (24) terrorism;
(25) providing material support for terrorism; (26) wrongfully aiding the enemy; (27) spying; (28) conspiracy; (29) perjury and obstruction of justice; and (30) contempt.

Notice any of that going around?
Military Tribunals are for members of enemy forces during wartime or rebellion, civilians too if accused of being enemy combatants to the USA.

Miranda rights are waived and search warrants are not needed in these cases...
Military Tribunals can be used during wartime (which we are technically still under since 9/11) and declared national emergencies...declared by Pres. Trump on Sept. 12, 2018 and March 13, 2020

These are conducted under full Military Jurisdiction...
DOJ rule change states that Federal Execution goes by the method used by the state the criminal is tried in, except...
Our Administration and our Great President are going to drain the swamp.

What does FEAR look like?
What does PANIC look like?
What does CONTROL look like?
What does COORDINATION look like?
What does FAKE NEWS look like?
EO on Election Interference was another declared National Emergency and we are seeing the MSM, Democrat Politicians, the Soros Machine, China... all falling under this umbrella.

We got them right where we want them!
Public is awakening...
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