It would be fucking horrifying and given the way scientists talk about humans and brush off the social sciences and ESPECIALLY ethics, I don’t trust this for a damn second.

We NEED to talk about y’all’s aversion to politics. Can politicians be corrupt and does bureaucracy –
– work incredibly slowly/not for the people? Yeah absolutely. But this kind of thinking means y’all think politics is some sort of hobby, AND it perpetuates the lone genius narrative that scientists know all.
As an interdisciplinary scientist in both politics and the planetary science world, *I* wouldn’t even feel comfortable in a political role, and politicians have to rely heavily on a widely multidisciplinary team because, spoiler alert, politics is a HUGE field and
it’s nearly impossible to know it all. Yes it’s easy to not trust politicians and joke about not trusting them, especially in the trump admin. We SHOULD hold them accountable.
But politics is not some hobby for people of a field that STILL can’t have a convo about humanities because it brings a very knee-jerk reaction and they feel it has nothing to do with their work or it’s pointless.
I was on a panel at AGU yesterday and a panelist was summarizing their talk about how scientists were given this model to fix climate change, and each simulation resulted in total destruction in a short time, because none of the scientists considered the social aspects of it.
That talk is lined up for me later today but are we really surprised at that summary?

Anyway I don’t like this one bit, have this:
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