It's almost like it's been weaponized against people for literal centuries and used to justify enslavement, murder, abuse and civil rights violations just to keep it short.

As an ex-Christian it's so god awful annoying to see Christians feign confusion over how it got like this
And y'all love to push the "Bad" Christians away as not being "Real" Christians for being horrible people but no. You don't get to do that. Not when this has been the norm for hundreds of year. They are one of y'all.
Until y'all start actively and collectively pushing against that shit instead of ignoring it and separating yourselves, you just show the rest of us that you're complacent.
Claiming to be better is not enough.

Are y'all fighting against homophobia and transmisia in the Church? When your pastor goes on a long homophobic sermon claiming god told him to do it, do you say something?
Do you protect those seeking abortions from abuse by those who claim they're murderers and going to hell?

Do you rally against laws and bills that aim too strip away protections from lgbtq people?
If the only thing you do as a "Better" Christian is spread "peace and love" verbally, that's ain't enough honey
Christians are the ones who told me disability and chronic illnesses were a punishment and that abuse was god putting us through what he knew we could handle.

This shit didn't just come up out the blue
And Christianity disrespects everybody at else's religion. We literally had people pissed off that we were saying "happy holidays" instead of merry Christmas for those who belong to other religions with holidays at the end of the year.
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