The policy of shutting down schools & businesses is rooted in a secular, materialist worldview that views humans as merely bodies. Thus it prioritizes “stopping” a physical illness at the expense of a person’s emotional and spiritual well-being.
It’s a good lesson in how leftism views people—with a lopsided emphasis on nurture over nature. Leftism is based on this erroneous materialist view of humans as malleable objects that can adapt to the wishes of the political & cultural powers that be.
In the context of COVID restrictions, the idea from the left is that people will be fine, especially if we give them $ to live. But people need more than $. People need interaction, community, spiritual nourishment, purpose found through productivity.
Because, contrary to the materialist worldview in which leftist ideology has always been rooted, humans are more than just bags of bones. We are whole people with a variety of equally important material & immaterial needs.
As Christianity asserts, we are made by God with natural needs like work, worship & fellowship, and when we are denied these things, we suffer immensely both individually and societally. We are not just bodies (though the body is very important to God). We are also souls.
Any COVID policy that only focuses *only* on the safety of the body (& it’s not clear that lockdowns even do that) and not the well-being of the mind & soul leads to needless suffering, depression, unrest & even suicide.
The worldview of our politicians matters. Secularism is not a neutral worldview. Its erroneous view of human nature is exactly why the political ideologies borne of it—communism & socialism—have ended in massive suffering.
The most restrictive (and unscientific, btw) COVID policies that disregard the whole person come from this worldview. And, as always, many will suffer for it.
This is a good comment. Though I would say true conservatism is rooted in the idea that we are created by God with certain unalienable rights that the govt cannot therefore arbitrarily take away, it’s true that there are many on the right who hold a secularist WV.
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