Did you see how @MichaelRCaputo is threatening to sue @thebuffaloNews and @adamzyglis for libel? To top it off, the anile Caputo attacks Zyglis' manhood, but in a coded way, and uses his cancer for sympathy points. Toxic motherfuckers don't get sympathy points. Let's examine.
Here are the products of Caputo's quarantine tantrum.
Zyglis rather politely told Caputo to go fuck himself.
So, we all know Caputo is a public figure and that Zyglis is a political cartoonist, which makes his cartoons by definition opinion work. So, let's look at two things: "Putin advisor" and "cancer."
We know Caputo worked in Russia and has extensive ties with bad actors in Russia and Ukraine.
Caputo worked in the 90s for Gazprom, the Russian natural gas conglomerate. Its privatization from Soviet public ownership was as corrupt and mismanaged as you might expect from Russia, which is a lot of things but isn't Switzerland.
So, we have from his own mouth that he "helped Vladimir Putin". Sounds like "Putin Adviser." One who advised Putin. So, setting aside all the arguments about opinion and satire, truth is a defense. Zyglis' response is precise.
but what about the cancer? the @adamzyglis cartoon is from Sep 16. That likely means he drew it on the 15th. https://twitter.com/adamzyglis/status/1306250882800070660
But the sick part of Caputo's see-saw from victim to assailant is how he justifies every life he ruins, every job he steals, and every Poso fascist mob he directs by claiming to have suffered threats to him and his family and livelihood.
But given nothing to do except sink deeper into irrelevance, Caputo has decided he's going to be some sort of virtual internet assassin. His target now is a fucking cartoonist. Guys like Caputo never saw a criticism they didn't want to censor.
He should leave cartoonists alone and concentrate on his pet project - the killing of Stefan Mychajliw's political career.
Also "Putin's Image Consultant" doesn't fit on an Ushanka, comrades.
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