As someone at one of the most liberal colleges in the country, I've been forced to read incredibly left-wing pieces and they all share this one thing in common:

The need to redefine simple words.

Most of left wing thought is predicated on a carefully constructed fantasy world that requires you to accept a thousand different premises in order to accept the overarching idea. In order to do this, they have to redefine what words mean.
What this does is it creates a language that is only understood by those who take the time to deeply immerse themselves in the bullshit. Nothing is intuitive. Nothing you read will ever make something click in your mind and go "that makes sense."
This is why left wing memes don't work. @HeadMasterDFA's most recent podcast with me, @SherlockTowers, and @Sociopathlete (part 3) covers this topic.

There's nothing intuitive about left wing thought.
It's about creating a desirable outcome and then coming up with a bunch of ideas that are designed to support that.

Take gender roles for example. A lot of women want to do everything a man can do, or so they say. "Why can't I do it as well as a man?" they ask rhetorically.
"Because you're not biologically wired that way," is the sincere answer. "Gender roles exist because of biology."

"No, gender roles are just a social construct with no basis in biology," they counter-argue.

That counter argument is a buttress built after the fact. . .
to support their idea of what they want to do. It doesn't actually make sense on its own.

For memes to be funny, they have to be based in reality. A fundamental reality that everyone can understand intuitively. Or, if they're not based in reality, then it needs to be ironically.
Leftists say "We're trying to break your social brainwashing"

Oh really? EVERYONE is brainwashed? Even people in other countries?
You could take your left wing memes ANYWHERE in the world, it doesn't matter where, and they still won't be found funny by anyone. Regardless of upbringing, culture, brainwashing etc. Well, they might find it so ridiculous that it's funny, but that's not the intent.
Name one time when left wing ideology was enacted to the fullest extent possible and it DIDN'T result in the mass slaughtering and subjugation of the citizens of the country. Just pick up a history book and you'll know it doesn't work.
So then what's the tactic?

"Well, we know water and oil don't mix. But what if we try oil and H2O? THAT'S different."

Except it's not. They change the vocabulary to make it sound intelligent but it's still the same reeking pile of trash, just packaged differently.
Here's what I wrote in the Final for one of my ridiculous Critical Theory classes:

"My favorite theme of the course is actually a meta theme about critical theory and postmodernism.
I learned that philosophies that seek to critique traditional views of the world often feel the need to change the original definitions of words like 'affect' and 'justice' in order to create a language that only those in the know can understand and communicate with.
It claims to advocate the most marginalized, and then speaks with a language only the elite and those “in the know” can understand.
It’s a form of obfuscation designed to hide the fact that most of these theories are nonsense and if laid out in layman’s terms, would be so brutally dismantled it would be a massacre of ideas akin to the communist massacres of the 20th century.
The arguments against some of the constraints of society seem to be little more than the petulant whining of those who don’t want to live within a society that has any kind of boundaries."
Leftists have to redefine language and intentionally obscure their ideas because they suck. So they wrap it up in a neat package, hand it to you, and if you still think its trash then you just "don't understand" or aren't "well read enough to get it."
Here's a good example that just came to mind of a left wing redefinition: The difference between "sex" and "gender." Not very long ago they were exactly the same.

Then they decided that that didn't exactly work with their desire to make gender fluid.
If sex is tied to gender then it can't be changed. Chromosomes are what they are, and no matter what you say, that doesn't change. So what did they do? The decoupled the two. "Sure, sex is defined by genetics and DNA, but GENDER isn't the same thing."
You have to accept this premise now, that sex and gender are different, in order to then accept the overarching argument that someone can be a certain sex but a different gender. It also removes the binary nature of chromosomes so that they can push their 70+ genders bullshit.
They started with "I want to change my gender" and then worked their way backward, changing the rules and definitions to make it work for them.
Here's another good one. The old definition of racism was "prejudice against another person or group of people based off of their race." Simple enough. But leftists decided "only white people can be racist."
Now obviously, with the rules and definitions as they are, that doesn't work. Obviously all races are capable of racism. So they worked their way backwards and changed the definition.
"Actually only people who have historically held power can be racist because racism is prejudice + power." With this new definition comes the whole "Black people can be PREJUDICED, but they can't be racist" lie.
So, as stated before, that's how a lot of left wing ideology works. They desire a certain outcome, say that outcome is legitimate, and then go backwards and change whatever it is they have to to make that outcome seem legit.
You can't explain all that in a meme, because then the joke loses momentum and because people go "but that makes no sense."
It goes back to the simple fact, if you have to explain a joke, it's not funny. And all of left wing thought has to be explained because, on its own, it makes no sense.

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