While my first introduction to the LotGH series was the remake, my first foray into the OVA was actually the pivotal arc of the 4th season. Although I didn't realize it at the time.
I stayed away from the OVA because I enjoyed having anime as background noise.
With the OVA only having an English Sub and no dub, I stayed away from it for quite some time. Eventually, I got a recommended video from the show, I can't remember why but I clicked on it and within minutes I was completely in love with what I'd seen.
High quality visuals, Shakespearean dialogue, political intrigue, highly pleasing militaristic aesthetics etc. Every line, every frame and every scene drew me in further and further. I knew I had to watch this show.
It wasn't just the exhilarating car chase sequence which showcased the style, pace and impressive directing of the show that was about to come. Along with how the show uses a great compilation of classical music as the backdrop to it's story.
What completely blew me away, was this scene right here. Such a perfect combination of both visuals and sound, dialogue and story, and most importantly it was my first experience of the shows brilliant use of historical events, revealing the layers that this show holds. #LoGH
From then on, I went to watch the pilot OVA's and the entire show. Luckily the entire series was available on YouTube, before it was taken down. Little did I expect that the show I was about to watch, was an experience like no other.
It was if one was witnessing the ebbs and flow of time itself. The entire experience of human history, historiography, philosophy and high political theory was presented before me. Unlike it's closest real world counterpart, Game of Thrones, this felt real.
This could easily been seen as a period piece, from a part of human history not yet to pass. There are many aspects of this show, for which I could go on about forever. I'll finish with this, what could be the tagline of the show.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes. #Lotgh #Logh #anime #spaceopera #scifi #OVA
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