Mistakes new traders make.

Most mistakes are common with new traders.

I have helped many struggling traders and most of them think all the problems they are having are only them. This is not true

Below are 5 mistakes traders make.

What other mistakes do traders make?

1. Traders want to start without learning.

They get caught up with winning screenshots and feel like they are missing out.

So they open an account and just jump in anything.

This will set you back in your trading career.
2. They use all their savings and open an account.

Start with a small amount of money and figure out what your edge is.

Some traders take years to find their edge.

3. No trading plan

Have a plan because when it gets chaotic you know what to do.
4. Trying to get rich quick.

Traders always make this mistake. Trading is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you do get rich quick most likely you took on too much risk and you will do that again and blow your account up.
5. Patience

You need patience to make it as a trader.

Traders are always quick to size up or take a trade too soon and they get smoked.

Wait for the best setup based on your strategy and attack it.
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