Pecan trivia:

1) The actual correct pronunciation of pecan comes from the 1st people to give it a name—the Native Americans. Here’s the story:

Spanish explorer Alvar Nunez Cabeza DeVaca along with 3 other men survived a shipwreck in 1528 and washed up on the Texas coast
2) They were enslaved by Native Americans for six years over which they saw parts of what would become the SW US that no non-NA had seen before.

According to Cabeza de Vaca’s written records they camped along the “river or nuts” (Guadalupe River) in 1532
3) Cabeza DeVaca records the NAs coming from as far away as 90 mi to feast on the nuts throughout the winter.

The four men were eventually released to their fellow Spaniards in Mexico City in 1534.

Cabeza de Vaca’s account is the first written description of the nut.
4) Another (French) explorer, Andre Penicaut records the 1st attempt at European translation of the name NAs gave the nut- “pakan” or “pacanes” , a term meaning nuts that require a stone to crack.

Whatever you call them you can buy pecans here: 
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