We’re finally going to address how the people of Teyvat are deeply racist against a society that they have deemed lesser because they haven’t “evolved” to the same extent, while the Hilichurls exhibit all of the traits of an actual culture?

Let’s discuss this in detail. [Thread] https://twitter.com/doyeonturnips/status/1336455768543907840
Stepping back and looking at this, Hilichurls exhibit the distinct functions that humans have come to accept as having a culture, thus meaning this is a full society and cannot be looked at as “monsters” or creatures with lesser thought. And I’ve been gasping to explore this.
• Language
The biggie with them — Hilichurls have a distinct language, one that can be documented and even spoken back to them. Ella’s side quests show us this, even coaxing the player to consider that communicating and becoming friendly with them is a desired end goal.
We are shown that they are actually eager to try and communicate with her, and once a successful exchange has been had, the Hilichurl in question is HAPPY to have made this connection. It raises the question: who is being unreasonable here? The humans COULD try. They don’t.
• Norms and Customs
While not too deeply explored, we do have a passing mention to separate “tribes” of Hilichurl within Genshin Impact: The Meaty Tribe, the Sleeper Tribe, and the Eclipse Tribe. Each of these have their distinct norms and customs within; for example, the +
Eclipse tribe is described as “rigid followers of Shamanic traditions” (more on this later). Each of the tribes prioritise something of a custom and norm, thus making them distinct from another tribe.

We know there are distinct customs for Hilichurl as a whole, however, +
because there are two Teyvat books that can be picked up on that VERY topic: Hilichurl Cultural Customs Vol. 1 and 2.
• Rituals and Ceremony
This is blatantly obvious the more you watch them — from simple ceremonial celebration of campfire dancing, to the clear use of large animal skulls as centrepieces with totems placed in VERY particular ways (possibly in relation to a religion we are +
not fully aware of?).

But topping this off, we have another book that you can receive: the Hilichurl Ballad Selection.

Take that in again: Hilichurl BALLAD Selection. Ballads are stories — often epic tales — passed down through the generations through spoken or sung word.
• Architecture
It’s very evident that Hilichurls have a distinct form of architecture: you can see their tents, towers, and even their training dummies as very distinctly different from others in Teyvat. It is recognisable as “Hilichurl,” and they use them to create large camps.
These are actually quite advanced buildings for something touted to be a “primitive species,” and even contain openings for smoke to escape so they can have indoor fires safely for warmth, light, and food preparation.
And on that hand: they have mastered fire. Most anthropologists suggest that the turning point of man was their ability to master fire — and that this may have also helped in the fall of the Neanderthal. If such a thing has been so important for that which we see as “human,” is +
it not interesting that something pushed to be distinctly “not human” by the people of Teyvat ALSO has mastery over it? They create it, use it in weaponry, use it to cook and light their camps...

Not very “primitive” of them.
• Combat

Honestly, the fact that they have become accepted by the people of Teyvat to be excellent fighters is also interesting towards this topic. In one of your side quests, you are given the following dialogue
“Used for combat training.” Monsters and primitive beings do not construct wooden dummies for COMBAT TRAINING. That is more human than “beast” that they are touted to be.

And this isn’t the only thing they are actively creating:
They are making slime balloons (because it can’t be the slimes constructing them — they ARE a primitive race with no ability to create) and exploding barrels. They are actively creating methods of transportation and bombs. This is not “primitive behaviour” of monsters at all.
Hilichurl are a distinct species with a distinct culture: while not identical to humans in exterior appearance, they should nonetheless be ranked alongside of them as a being and society. Teyvat — whether they want to admit it or not — are racist towards that which they have +
come to fear. That which they never take the time to try and communicate with in order to soothe tensions with.

Theoretically, people like Ella Musk show us that peaceful cohabitation is possible, and the Hilichurl are open to it: but it’s the people of Teyvat that are not.
Beneath this is a distinct layer of racism against real life indigenous people that cannot be overlooked: these same treatments and behaviours were used by colonists to paint that which they didn’t understand as “evil” and give an excuse for their slaughter, enslavement, and +
forcible taking of lands. The people of Teyvat are doing the exact. Same. Thing.

I am by no means suggesting that the game is bad, that you can’t enjoy it (I do!), but it hurts me every time I have to assault their camps when this is what is happening. So it’s time to look at +
it a little more critically and accept exactly what is happening.
I’m feeling the need to re-emphasise: you can enjoy the game (I, myself, do!). There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it! But the Hilichurls do fall into the typical “savage group = bad” trope found in media, and we should consider the ramifications of that, as well as recognise +
that the Hilichurl are a far more advanced people than the people of Teyvat care to admit.

This also does not advocate for harassment of the Developers. It’s more critical thought for the self and others, as well as calling question to why such tropes exist.
Update part the second: extra notation because I think this wasn’t recognised clearly.

The thread is an analysis of Teyvat treatment and racism towards Hilichurls, and how the people of Teyvat are painted as the heroic saints vs the “primitive Hilichurls.” This is acknowledging+
the inherent racism within the confines of the game.

The developers were playing into a common fantasy trope of designing the “savage” character, and then intentionally making them evil while not recognising how inherently racist this can be. Mass reporting to a game +
developer this late isn’t going to change the current game. It has a set plot, a set universe, a set dynamic. The best it could hope for is further exploration of the Hilichurl (which seems to be potentially in the cards based on the books and characters like Ella).

What this +
SHOULD be showcasing is how common this trope is and how future creators can work to avoid it — but I am, first and foremost, an analysis writer of canon content. I do not speak Chinese and this cannot analyse directly how M/ihoyo addressed it from the start, or how further +
racist something may have been. They fell into the same creation trope pits that thousands of fantasy designers before them have.

The thread shows how the world of Teyvat — that they created — has displayed racism, while allowing the viewer to absorb this for their future +
creation and development. It is far from perfect, but it served its individual purpose from the stand point of exploring the canon world.
Update number nth:the dudebros and edgy accounts have arrived, so that means time to mute. Never expected an analysis of a world to to numbers, but here we go. Sorry to say, engagement like that won’t net responses, just quiet blocks. It’s an analysis—you don’t like, that’s fine.
tw racism

Yeah see what I mean. Be mindful of the QRTs.
This is the only one of the dudebros I’ll comment on, though they have been blocked: for some reason a simple analysis on a game reeeeally upsets them. They enjoy trying to use edgy speak, insult me, or just...yknow...make assumptions.

People can enjoy critically analysing +
a piece of media as a hobby. I’ve written many pieces before for other works. I’ve got plenty of a life, own a house with my spouse, live on my own, an 18 year relationship, and like. I have general relationships and hobbies. This happens to be one of them.

I’m only speaking +
on this one at all because it’s so eye-roll worthy that dudebros think because you critically look at a piece of media — or actually ENJOY writing analytical pieces — you must have no life.

That’s far from the truth.

It’s a piece of writing about a game. No one forces you +
to read it or engage with it, and really...of us, who has less of a life? The one writing something productive, or the one crying behind their keyboard because a piece of writing dared to be shared? Cmon. 💀
Update ??? At this point:

Clearly some of the people in my replies and QRTs can’t read a thread, so I’ll break it down bite sized:

1. This is a thread analysing a culture within a video game. It was written because ✨I like analysing media✨. It’s fun to me. That’s okay.
2. At NO POINT have I called to cancel the game, the developers, etc. /I like and enjoy the game./ I play the game. But I also can look at a piece of fiction and go DAMN THIS TROPE AGAIN? If anyone is calling for cancelling, it’s not me. I am not leading some charge.
3. I will not engage with negative QRTs and Replies. Y’all just get blocked and I urge others to do the same. Not worth the energy.

4. I didn’t write this with expectation for it to take off. I just write analyses for fandoms I get into.

5. I will not speak on racism within +
China, make assumptions, etc. Not my language. Not my people. Not enough education on the topic to speak over those who are in a better position to do so.

Please keep this information when you’re QRTing or replying because it’s exhausting seeing the lack of comprehension. 💀
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