The best part of #AntiCorruptionDay is reading all the great work so many are doing to fight corruption globally. To contribute to the knowledge-sharing, here is a thread of some of the many ways @IRIGlobal has supported anti-corruption reformers in the last few years: (1/8)
First, one of our seminal anti-corruption programs. In Mongolia, IRI worked with the city of Ulaanbaatar to identify vulnerabilities to corruption. This led to the creation of the first Citizen Budget at the city level. (2/8)
In Ambon, Indonesia, IRI was instrumental in the establishment of a joint government/civil society task force that was able to amplify the role of the Ombudsman in providing citizens with an avenue to file corruption-related complaints (3/8).
In North Macedonia, IRI has been very active in supporting the home-grown anti-corruption agenda. Some successes include the development of the open finance portal and reforming key anti-corruption legislation and ethical guidelines (4/8). 
Our work has also helped expand the evidence-based for anti-corruption writ large. An evaluation of IRI’s support to 3 state-level multi-stakeholder coalitions in Mexico showed how networks can be effective in advancing anti-corruption reform (58’) (6/8):
Also in the LAC region, in 2019 IRI convened a Summit of the Americas for Transparent Legislatures, which brought together parliamentarians from 9 countries to sign a declaration outlining specific legislative measures to help root out corruption (7/8):
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