After many months of coordinating, editing, researching and writing finally @ForCivicEU Activizenship #5 - #CivicSpaceWatch report 2020 - Stories from the lockdown is out!

Check it out 👉 

THREAD: Let's see the findings
1.Trends of #civicspace in #EU observed in 2020

➡️ #COVID19 shakes the socioeconomic & political landscape
➡️Deterioration of civic freedoms continues
➡️Civil dialogue is challenged
➡️Economic difficulties of the sector soar during the crisis
➡️Civil society unlocks its potential
2. @akramkuban and @ManonYzermans ( @ILGAEurope) write how many members of LGBTI communities were unable to have their basic needs met. CSOs shifted their work to provide them humanitarian support thus facing reduced capacity to do the usual work, like advocacy
3. @Pavel_Havlicek_ ( @AMO_cz) explained how in 🇨🇿 CSOs showed resilience despite difficulties. An example is told @CzeslawWalek & @FilipMilde who speak about @JsmeFer successful advocacy to reunite civil partners separated by borders during the lockdown
4. Rupert Strachwitz & Siri Hummel ( @maecenata) write that #CSOs conditions in 🇩🇪 are good when they do not step into issues deemed political & during #COVID19 they were neglected! @Unteilbar_ organised a safe protest to raise civil society demands in the public debate
5. Dominika Spyratou ( @Solidarity_Now) writes that #COVID19 is the 3° crisis of 🇬🇷 in the last 12 years & the govt used to crackdown on #soldarity. But @MoussaSangareGR ( @Refugeegr) says that #migrants are self-organising to advocate for their rights!
6. @deirdre_ni_ch ( @ICCLtweet) & @cooper_ivan ( @The_Wheel_IRL) showcase the crucial role of civic actors to provide essential services & advocate for the rights of all during #COVID19 in 🇮🇪
7. Nika Kovač (Institut 8. Marec) explains how #civicspace & #ruleoflaw have been deteriorating in 🇸🇮 since a new govt took office. @CIVICUSMonitor downgraded the country as a consequence. But self-organised protests are keeping civic space alive to pushback against oppression!
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